Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Tynee Talks: Shaniqua v. Karen-It's all in a name

With everything we’re facing, we have a world 🌎 where the Karen’s feel like they are being oppressed! #thenerve 



Yet the Shaniqua’s of the world have been having it tough since conception...



In the case of Shaniqua v. Karen find out who has it worst as we delve into the how a name can cause systemic oppression and loss of opportunities...




#tyneetalks #karen #shaniqua #tyneetalkstuesday #tyneetalkspodcast #tyneetakstv #oppression #systemicracism #names #ghettonames #whitenames

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Tynee Talks: The C.R.O.W.N. Act with Leticia Wilson, M.Ed.

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